God wants us to fight injustice and WE are his plan.
That is the theme at First Christian Church this week. This past Sunday we watched a video with Gary Haugen, International Justice Mission President and CEO. What an amazing ministry! http://www.ijm.org/
So today I was thinking I've never heard so much about fighting injustice from "the pulpit" before in my life. And then I thought back to my childhood, my heritage, and my examples of Christ's Love. . .
Granddad Frank lies in the hospital today in Healdton, OK with pneumonia. I wish you could spend an hour with him and listen to the stories he has about the Love of Christ, the Call of the Lord, the miracles he’s witnessed -- and injustice? I don’t know that he ever called it injustice, but he fought it.
Granddad had three children in the 1940’s when he received the call to preach the Gospel. Not the tri-city mega church with 20,000 members and a Jaguar, but simple towns with folks small on pocket change and big on heart. Those he was involved in converting even built the church buildings with their own hands -- farmers and other blue collar people putting their hands and hearts together to establish an extension of the body of Christ where once one did not exist.
My first memory of Granddad and Grandma is their work in Hogback, New Mexico on the Indian Reservation. The Reservation, most of them were third world-like communities right in the middle of the richest country in the world. The work was rewarding for my grandparents and their family. Teaching the children in VBS and Sunday school, studying the bible with the men and women, and raising up leaders for the next generation of rural America.
So when I think that I don’t know how to fight injustice, I think of Granddad in his hospital bed. He’s 91, and they say he may not walk but be in a wheelchair. I think of all those he spent time “pastor-ing”, those he baptized and helped grow in the Lord. And, as I ponder the ‘injustice” he fought by going beyond bible study and seeing a need and filling it --fixing peoples sinks, bringing in clothes for the kids, and listening to people’s disappointments and fears-- I think I have a great, personal example of a warrior against injustice. God’s warrior, Granddad Frank.
They say Frank may be wheeled out of that hospital. I say, “Ask his family and those of us that have benefited from those beautiful feet that brought the sound of good news, and the love of the King – we say: 'He’s God’s Warrior. He may surprise you.'”
This week as I research IJM and other local missions, I try to follow Granddad’s example and fight against injustice.
Isaiah 1:17 (New International Version)
17 learn to do right!
Seek justice,
encourage the oppressed. [a]
Defend the cause of the fatherless,
plead the case of the widow.
I love you Granddad.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Word Wednesday by KM Wilsher
Posted by KM Wilsher at 8:32 PM 7 comments
Labels: Church of Christ, Gary Haugen, Granddad, injuste, International Justice Mission, New Mexico, Pastor, Truth or Consequences
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Word Wednesday by KM Welcher
What style of evangelist are you?
"So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations: Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19
I vacillate between the outspoken Christian to the quiet, loving, girl hoping her life is testement to Jesus. Always, I am hoping someone will ask, "Why are you so joyful, peaceful, kind?", and that I am ready with my answer of faith.
I have a friend Sean Kennedy, some of you know him. Back in the day, when we first started hanging out, I was in awe at his boldness for Christ. We were both pretty much rookies in the faith journey, still rough around the edges. But, Sean, he never let an opportunity pass. The grocery store, the drive thru, his neighbor, Chipotle.
It was such an exhilarating experience. I loved watching people's faces light up at this energetic, broad shouldered marine sharing a smile and a quip with them. And with the ice broken, he then shared his faith. Not once did I see anyone get angry or insulted. They always seemed grateful and honored someone would share something so deep with them, and that some stranger would invite them to Church.
I'm not as bold. In fact, it's hard for me to even sit on a plane. I heard a lesson once saying you should ALWAYS share your faith on the plane. Mmm made flying hard. I twist and turn in my seat. Talk to my neighbor and look for an opportunity. I wring my hands and pray, and then it seems like everytime, something really stupid escapes my mouth--if anything comes out at all.
One of those 'street prophets' --you know the ones that stand on the street corner and say, "The kingdom of heaven is near. Repent!"-- actually had a big impact on me turning from sin and letting Jesus in my heart. I don't know what I advocate, but there was a man outside the Denver Art Museum about 12 years ago who pointed at me and shouted words resembling the "Repent" statement. Moments later I was in tears in the bathroom stall. Days later I was in the phone book looking for Churches to visit. Christ worked through other events in my life that helped this hard, unwilling, icy heart to surrender, but I thank Jesus for the prophet standing downtown Denver, Colorado that summer day.
Do you know any outstanding witnesses for Christ? Have you ever been convicted by a modern day street prophet?
Posted by KM Wilsher at 10:39 PM 7 comments
Labels: Church, evangelist, go into all the world, Jesus, prophet, repent, street prophet, the kingdom is near, witness
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Phantasmagorical Freek Friday by KM Wilsher
Have you heard of Pandora? The free internet radio termed, “The Music Genome Project”, can be found at: www.Pandora.com
Unlike the horrendous things that flew out of the box when Greek Mythology’s Pandora unfastened the lid, this Pandora has opened an astounding new world for me. You enter in a song or a group, and they award you with songs that resemble your choice. At Pandora I am able to hear songs I love, and be exposed to new songs that are comparable to my favorites, thus widening my musical orbit.
It was there I first heard Plumb. Plumb is listed as Christian contemporary, but some of her songs are raw and wild and have ended up on my personal internet radio. Tiffany Lee is a solo artist now, but “Plumb” used to be a band. She kept the name when she ventured out into the world as a solo artist. I have read that Plumb crosses into many different genres of music. A few songs of hers have certainly crossed over into my music experience!
My favorite is: I can't do this
Check it out! Just click on the title.
Who/what is on your play list this week?
Posted by KM Wilsher at 7:47 PM 14 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Word Wednesday - One liners posted by KM Wilsher
My little sister sent me these :)
Christian One Liners
Don't let your worries get the
best of you; remember, Moses started
out as a basket case.
It is easier to preach ten sermons
than it is to live one.
The good Lord didn't create anything
without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.
When you get to your wit's end,
you'll find God lives there.
Opportunity may knock once, but temptation
bangs on your front door forever.
Peace starts with a smile.
Coincidence is when God
chooses to remain anonymous.
God doesn't call the qualified,
He qualifies the called.
God grades on the cross, not the curve.
God loves everyone, but probably prefers
'fruit of the spirit' over a 'religious nut!'
God promises a safe landing,
not a calm passage.
He who angers you, controls you!
If God is your Co-pilot - swap seats!
Don't give God instructions -- just report for duty!
The task ahead of us is never as
great as the Power behind us.
The Will of God never takes you to
where the Grace of God will not protect you.
We don't change the message,
the message changes us
You can tell how big a person is
by what it takes to discourage him.
The best mathematical equation
I have ever seen:
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.
I added mine:
If He really is my Shepard, why would I want?
I must enter the forest as He clears a way for me; not enter the forest ahead of Him and say, "Clear my way Lord!"
Do you have any one liners to add?
Posted by KM Wilsher at 11:16 PM 8 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Your name as a Pirate posted by KM Wilsher
Jack Sparrow. Captain Hook. Blackbeard. Henry Morgan. Oh, those famous pirates.
Have you ever desired to sail the high seas? Dreamed of peering down into Davy Jones's locker? Longed to attack Spanish galleons with Sir Francis Drake. Aye mate, the romance, the adventure! Personally, I want to be a Goonie :)
Here is a site that shows you what your name might be were it Sir Drake, or Blackbeard who hired you.
Click below:
Pirate Name Generator
Mine turned out to be:
Pirate Carmen the Well-Tanned
Oh - that is funny!
What is your pirate name?
Posted by KM Wilsher at 10:49 PM 13 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Word Wednesdayby KM Wilsher
John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
If you don't have time for anything else, click the following:
and read a brilliant article by my friend and sister in Christ, Ashley Weaver.
Here is the continuation from last week. The story of our friendship:
Last week’s story ended with a train ride far from the body of Christ. Well, good news, eventually I disembarked that train! I went on a search for the Truth and found it in Denver, Colorado in the words of the man from Nazareth. I rediscovered the love and Spirit I had once thought an apparition. After a little while, I began to think, "Whatever happened to Ashley?"
It was only a few days later that I got my answer. At a Wednesday night singing service at Lakewood Church of Christ, where many different churches get together and praise the Lord, I saw a familiar face. The hair was the same but, she was not alone. There were four kids huddling around her like cubs to a mother bear. Ashley! In an absolute impossible way, God had crossed our paths once again.
A new friendship grew out of echoes from the past. Her husband happened to be the minister for the singles group at their church, and I began to attend bible studies at their house. Bible studies, sound familiar? As a singles group we met in small groups and reached out to our neighbors. We also hiked, even rock climbed and the sublime Spirit of God revealed himself to me once more. Hiking, sound familiar?
God has given me the gift of a friend, a mentor and an accountability partner -- deeper and brighter than I thought might exist. Based on the connection from that little church camp in the Delores Valley, Ashley and I developed a deep bond of sisters in Christ and of friends. And all this despite the miles between us.Looking back to those days in the mountains of Southwestern Colorado at Four Corner’s Encampment, I finally feel God's calling on the life of a troubled little girl. I feel his sweet love in my soul and know that my piece of heaven on earth was not a dream. He gave me many gifts including Ashley. Read her article. The link is above. It shows some of the Spirit that flows through her.
One day in heaven, after we've looked upon the sweet face of Jesus, met all our friends and family, and conversed with Moses, Esther, Rahab, Peter, and the other pillars of faith. In the new earth, if there is still a little place tucked away in the Rocky Mountains resembling the old Dolores Valley, Ashley and I are going to know where to find each other.
Posted by KM Wilsher at 11:52 AM 8 comments
Labels: Colorado, Doloros, Four Corners Encampment, Jesus, Rocky Mountain
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Phantasmagorical Freek Friday by KM Wilsher
I’ve seen some reminiscing about smashes from the past lately. 80’s music, leg warmers, Young Guns, Lost Boys, big hair, and legs on your jeans as narrow as a stove pipe!
As my mind wandered down the road of memories, I started thinking of 80’s metal bands. Remember that they used to call them 80’s hair bands? I heard one remark that the rockers with teased hair looked like a bunch of alcoholic housewives. haha
Well, Phantasmagorical Freek Friday is all about Christian hard rock, and so you will not be surprised that while I walked the halls of mohawks, Ray-Bans, and boom boxes, I suddenly I saw “ebony and neon gold ribbons” and Stryper came to mind. Does anyone remember Stryper?
Stryper, formed by two brothers Michael and Robert Sweet, were originally components of a secular rock band, Roxx Regime. At jam sessions for Roxx Regime, their friend Kenny Metcalf, would witness to the Sweet brothers.
People Magizine told the story like this, in 1986:
"During rehearsals a friend of the Regime kept stopping by to witness about the glory of dedicating their music to God. A year later the rockers dropped to their knees for a prayer session that changed their lives."
I’m sure you remember seeing the” Yellow and Black Attack” at some moment in time in your 80’s history. They were the first Christian Metal band on MTV. For that matter they were the first Contemporary Christian Band shown on MTV.
The name "Stryper" came from a passage in Isaiah 53:5:
"But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
My initial encounter with those awesome bumble bees in stretch pants came one day after school at my then boyfriend Kelly’s house. He was not Christian, but he put the vinyl for this song:
I lay on the couch, my pink slip on Van’s with palm trees hung over the arm of the couch, and cried my eye’s out.
I remember one of Kelly’s friends saying, “What’s a matter with her?”
Can you see it? Two guys standing there looking at the phenomena of a crying female. Sort of like onlookers at a lamenting effeminate wildlife park.
I was a little embarrassed, but Kelly’s words were kinda great.
He answered, “She’s really moved by that song.”
"HONESTY" is Stryper's most-known song. It peaked at 23 on the Top 40 Billboard charts.
So what was your favorite Stryper song?
You can visit them at www.stryper.com
Posted by KM Wilsher at 8:41 AM 7 comments
Labels: 80's, Christian Metal, Metal, Stryper, Together as one
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Word Wednesday by KM Wilsher
John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
If you don't have time for anything else, click the following:
and read a brilliant article by my friend and sister in Christ, Ashley Weaver.
Ashley's article and my story will fulfill Word Wednesday this week!
I wrote out my version of our freindship below.
Childhood memories, unforgettable times at church camp just outside Dolores, Colorado. That one week a year remains my "little glimpse of heaven", even today.
To begin with, Four Corners Encampment sits in one of the most amazing mountain valleys in Southwestern Rockies, its beauty surreal. Then top that off with hiking, volleyball and softball each sport only pausing for bible study. Real bible studies, studied in cabins built by both my grandfathers who are pillars of faith Grandad Welcher a preacher -- the other, Tom Kelly, I know him as, “Grandtom”, an elder in the church since I was little. At night, around the campfire, boys and girls performed skits and imparted devotions that enlightened youth with the Love of Christ.
This is where I first met Ashley Weaver. Well, she wasn't "Weaver" yet, but she was my 'cabin counselor'. Back then, a teen on fire for Christ, she gave a fine example of how I wanted to live my life ---pure, athletic, truthful, feminine, strong, faithful, and bold when it came to sharing her faith. We spent hours in praise, fellowship that glorified Him, fun athletic competition and deep bible study. Ashley helped me through some tough pre-teen times and probably didn’t even know it, she just served Jesus.
Before I could spend my last year at Four Corners and be a counselor myself -- giving away what had been given me -- my life twisted in a raw crash like many teen lives do. Instead of clinging to my faith, I took a dark train far from the loving body of Christ.
I spent next several years wondering if that divine purity, that bewitching love, that sublime Spirit of God was just a dream. Had it all been a lie, the bible studies, the fellowship, the instruction, the love full of Light? Maybe even that girl, Ashley Weaver, didn't exist.
To be continued. . .(ha ha, I'm learning from you all - the best cliff hanger writers!)
Posted by KM Wilsher at 10:20 AM
Labels: Doubting Thomas, Friends
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Imagine me without Him KM Wilsher
Okay, at the risk of sounding like I'm 'copying' BILLY COFFEY, I am deleting my comments section. Please feel free to email me, but I will not be hosting comments for a while.
I was inspired by a post that BILLY hosted (Click on his name and check out his site!) I'll let him explain why he deleted his comments field. I am compelled by a desire to ensure I use my talents to glorify Jesus and write for no other reason. I am confident you all will support me in this.
Posted by KM Wilsher at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: comments