Monday, November 29, 2010

Anthology Submissions

Thanks to you all, my story is in top shape, and I submitted it for consideration to an anthology Saturday night.
It's in God's hands now! :)

[I have written a wraith, half-orc, and two-headed dwarfs in. So much fun!]

The choices for title came down to SUICIDE REDEEMED and LATITUDES OF HOPE.

I really liked Latitudes of Hope, but I felt 'Latitudes' was a measurement term bound to earth not space. So I'll save that for another day and the title becomes: SUICIDE REDEEMED.

The short story tells of the redemption of a Vampire, Vin, who "committed vamp suicide" a century ago by jumping into outerspace and floating, alone.
Dr. Shed, an evil scientist and paranormal medicine man, is gathering species with all types of abilities and abnormalities to build himself a paranormal army. One of his prized possessions is, Vin the vampire, a creature Shed found floating in space.

The River, a place where paranormal creatures find Jesus and redemption, have sent a team of their elite to rescue the paranormal creatures Shed has kidnapped, and claim them from his evil control. The River and Vin have a connection. Her name is, Sardonyx, Vin's mentor in Christ and life-long love.

They all meet in a massive war to free the captive creatures, including an attempt to free Vin from his self-made, suicidal tendencies.

I am sincerely indebted to those of you who, last minute, edited my story! Happy Writing!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The search for a title for my short story continues!           

I have the following suggestions, which is your favorite? A combination?


Welcome Home             

Prison of Suicide

Suicide Redeemed             Alone No More

Redeemed                             Inside Suicide

Restored                                  Deadly Hope

Rescued                                    Latitudes of Hope

Free the captive creatures         Self-made Prison

The short story tells of the redemption of a Vampire, Vin, who "committed vamp suicide" a century ago by jumping into outerspace and floating, alone.

At the same time Dr. Shed, an evil scientist and paranormal medicine man, is gathering creatures of all types of abilities and abnormalities to build himself a paranormal army. One of his prized possesions is, Vin the vampire, a creature Shed found floating in space.

The River, a place where paranormal creatures find Jesus and redemption, have sent a team of their elite to rescue the creatures Shed has kidnapped, and claim them from his evil control. The River and Vin have a connection. Her name is, Sardonyx, Vin's mentor in Christ and life-long love.

They all meet in a massive war to free the captive creatures, including an attempt to free Vin from his self-made, suicide prison.

Thanks guys! This is great!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Title Week

Okay, I need a title for my short story. The story is a continuation of my short story SUICIDAL INSTINCT published in the online magazine: THE CROSS AND THE COSMOS April 2010.

So, throw me some ideas. We've got a few days to talk about it. (If you want to read SUICIDAL INSTINCT click the picture of the planets over here on the right: ------------------------------------------------- >

I'll throw out some ideas later. Off the top of your head, got any Titles for a Vampire in Space tale with a Recovery analogy/theme?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

CONVICTION ~ CINEMA SOUND OFF with Lynn Rush and KM Wilsher

Welcome to Cinema Sound Off. We love movies!

My good friend and extraordinary writer, Lynn Rush

--and me, KM Wilsher-- visit the movies and we'll be sharing our reviews with you every

second Tuesday of the month.


KM’s Review:

There aren't a lot of movies out there right now that catch my attention and make me want to head over to the theater. I didn't think I would enjoy CONVICTION either, its a dry movie season this year, few good movies.

That said, you must go see this movie. I am pleasantly surprised! I guess it only playing at a few theaters, so look it up and make the drive wherever you can to see this movie.

I believed Hillary Swank in this role, more than some of the roles she's received awards for. Minnie Driver gave an outstanding performance (when does she not? :) Sam Rockwell? I haven't seen him in any role better suited for him. . .the cast is amazing.

Sometimes movies based upon true stories can be slow. The editing and directing of CONVICTION weaves this tale in a way that always keeps you guessing and at the right moments makes you erupt in tears and goosebumps.

KM's rating:

I won't hesitate to give CONVICTION five tickets:

5 tickets. A must see. Buy a ticket for everyone.


Now, come with me and Catch the Rush. . .at to see what Lynn Rush has to say.

What do you say? Have you seen it? Have you heard about this true story?